Frequently Asked Questions:

Here are answers to the questions we are most frequently asked.  If you don’t see the answer you were seeking, feel free to ask us your question using our contact form.

Can you design an electronic prototype that does not have any RF or wireless circuits, just digital circuits, microprocessors, or low frequency analog circuits?

YES! We can design any type of electronic circuit or prototype you may need. Contact us for more information.

Can you do just a PCB Layout?

YES. We have 2 CAD resources available to us. We can import, convert, or generate most commonly used PCB file formats.

How do you bill your clients?

We provide engineering services on an hourly basis, billed bi-weekly. We usually do not charge ‘by the project’; however, we always provide an estimate for all work required.

What exactly can Sanders RF Consulting do for me?

We can:

  • Design custom RF and analog electrical circuits to your specifications.
  • Design and code custom microprocessor and DSP solutions for your product.
  • Perform patent searches.
  • Turn your idea into a product.
  • Turn your prototype into a product.
  • Layout a printed circuit board.
  • Build, test and debug a prototype.
  • Facilitate FCC type compliance approvals.
  • Aid with manufacturing issues.
  • Assemble your small-volume circuit board or product.
  • Design test software for your small-volume production needs.
  • Analyze and provide assistance with existing designs.
  • Provide general analog and RF engineering consultant services.

When can you start on my project?

This depends on our current project loading. Please contact us concerning scheduling.

Ask Sanders RF Consulting a Question:

Contact us if you have a question about a product or an idea that we may help you with!